SEPTEMBER 15 was Battle of Britain Day. Let us never forget just what that means or the famous words "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few". When Sir Winston Churchill said this, I was an 11-year-old schoolboy and was with a school friend Ivor; we spent all our time together and one memory is still as vivid today as it was all those years ago. It was watching many vapour trails high in the skies above, these became lower until they disappeared and we could see that it was a Spitfire attacking a German bomber, by this time it was all very low and moving over the Park area, being boys we grabbed bikes and raced to try and follow but couldn't. The bomber was brought down near Coates village. We were both choirboys at the parish church, both were Sea Cadets and learned to be telegraphists. Ivor joined the Boys Service of the Royal Navy, I waited a couple of years because I had started at the Technical College but when my time came for call up I joined the RAF. During all these years we have remained firm friends although many miles apart. Australia remembered the Battle of Britain Day and the 71st Anniversary with a Commemorative Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra to recognise the service and sacrifice of all those who served during the Battle of Britain. The official ceremony itinerary listed all the V.I.P.s attending and laying a wreath on behalf of the Royal Naval Association was Commander Ivor Rothwell RN (Ret'd) Well done Ivor!

KEN TAYLOR Upper Churnside Cirencester.