ON June 7, locally based musician and teacher Richard Lester gave a recital in the Purcell Room at the South Bank Centre in London when he celebrated the varied and vivacious sonatas of Dominico Scarlatti.

Playing his hand built harpsichard, beautifully painted by local artist Ann March, Richard treated his audience to complex and fascinating music portraying all the emotions and colour for which Spanish music is renowned.

As the recital progressed it became increasingly difficult to choose a favourite. Each had its own flavour and Richard's skill, expression and dexterity were awe-inspiring. A group of Spaniards were heard to comment on the high quality of the playing and the authenticity of the 'Spanish' sound of flamenco, fandango and jota contrasted with religious fiestas and calm siestas.

By 2007 Richard will have recorded all Scarlatti's sonatas to coincide with the 250th anniversary of the musician's death.

Kate Kinsey