HEARTBREAK Productions professional open-air touring company returns to Misarden Park, Miserden, near Stroud on Sunday, June 29 with their production of Shakespeare's most enchanting comedy, A Midsummer Night's Dream.

But this version takes place in the 21st century - no quaint rustics here, but a band of up-to-date traders, and not a doublet and hose or Elizabethan bodice in sight.

The Dream, however, loses none of its magic and this tale which is steeped in comedy, fairytale and charm will enthrall both young and old under the direction of Peter Mimmack and a multi-skilled cast, with original music by Darren Scott.

The play begins at 7pm and tickets can be booked by telephoning 01285 658249. Should you miss this performance you can catch it again at Lydiard House, near Swindon on August 19 where the company is performing The Merry Wives of Windsor the following day. 01793 445566 for tickets.