WEEKLY COLUMN of Fairford and Lechlade news by Chris Roberts 

1. New trustee appointed to Ernest Cook Trust UK 

The Ernest Cook Trust based in Fairford has appointed a new trustee who brings a wealth of experience from the education sector.

Dr Zainab Kabba is an educator, writer, researcher and strategist, who has used educational research to design learning frameworks that drive social impact, foster community and promote learning mindsets and practices within companies and organisations.

Education is at the heart of The Ernest Cook Trust, which funds and delivers programmes across the UK, aimed at enabling access to Outdoor Learning for young people, their families and communities.

With a background in education and tech, Dr Kabba has managed children’s media projects across the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa, developed leadership programmes for higher education institutions and created portfolios of public digital learning programmes.

She is the Founder and CEO of Quotidian Strategies and holds a BS in Information Systems from New York’s Stony Brook University, an MA in Computing in Education from Columbia University, and a DPhil in Education from the University of Oxford.

Her appointment complements the broad range expertise among the current trustees.

Programmes run by The Ernest Cook Trust include funding the employment of Outdoor Learning Officers and, under its Outdoor Essentials Grant scheme, grants are given to schools across the UK, to support Outdoor Learning.

Through The OWL Collaboration, the Trust funds outdoor weeks of learning for school pupils to explore nature whilst living and learning together, in particular those from underserved areas of the country facing barriers to access and participation.

For more information about The Ernest Cook Trust, visit https://ernestcooktrust.org.uk/.

2. Palmer Hall Cinema with super raffle tickets for sale 

The next Palmer Hall Cinema is on Wednesday, October 9.

The film is ‘One Life’ starring Anthony Hopkins.

A biographical drama based on the true story of British humanitarian, Nicholas Winton, who helped rescue hundreds of predominantly Jewish children from Czechoslovakia in a race against time before the Nazi occupation closed the borders. Fifty years later, he's still haunted by the fate of those he wasn't able to bring to safety.

Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Entry is £3.50 to include a free tea/coffee and a biscuit or £3 extra for a glass of wine. No booking required, just turn up.

There will also be an opportunity to buy Super Raffle tickets with a chance to win a magnificent high-value prize in aid of the Palmer Hall.

Around 20 top prizes to be won including a tour for four people of horse-racing legend, Jonjo O’Neills’ Jackdaws Castle with Champagne Breakfast (value £1,000); a tour for two of King Charles’ Highgrove gardens; a hotel stay; meals with wine courtesy of Thyme @ Southrop; tour of Arkell’s Brewery for six people and much more.

For more information about The Palmer Hall, visit www.thepalmerhall.org.

3. First quiz night at Sparesbase 

Sparesbase will be holding its first Quiz Night with a top cash prize of £200 to be won. Taking place on Saturday October 5 from 7pm in Lechlade Memorial Hall, cash prizes are also available for second, third and fourth places. Bar and snacks available. Raising money for Friends of Fairford & Lechlade Communities. £40 per team of no more than 6 people.

Enter your team now on fundraising@sparesbase.co.uk. Alternatively call Daniel or Julie on 01285 713055 from Monday-Friday from 8am-4pm.

4. Prayer and Praise 

Prayer & Praise is on the first Sunday of the month from 6pm and 7pm in St Mary’s Church, Fairford.

The next service is on Sunday October 6.

This is a wonderful opportunity to invite family, friends and neighbours to church, especially those who have never been to church, those who haven’t been for years or those who have never found a church that feels just right for them.

For more information, please contact carolinesymcox@googlemail.com or pawilkins@hotmail.co.uk.

5. Can you help the church? 

St Mary’s Church stewards, who work in shifts to welcome visitors to the church, do a fantastic job, but more people are needed to boost their numbers. Do you have a spare hour a week to take a shift as a steward? Rev’d Caroline takes two shifts in a week and finds it to be very rewarding.

Sometimes all is quiet, and she gets the benefit of the peace and beauty of the church. Sometimes she gets to welcome a wide range of visitors, and also has the benefit of hearing their stories, where they come from, what brings them to Fairford, and the joy of sharing something of the richness of the church’s history.

You don’t need to have a lot of knowledge – you just need to be friendly and welcoming! If you’re interested, please call the Parish Office on 01285 712611.

6. Meal at the Bull 

The Friends of Fairford & Lechlade Communities are organizing a meal at the Bull Hotel, Fairford on Wednesday October 9. Cost £25 per person. For more information or to book your place, contact Agneta: 01285 707300, admin@friendsoffairford.org.uk.

7. Club open to all males 

The Probus Club of Lechlade is open to all males, meeting in Lechlade Memorial Hall on the first and third Fridays of every month at 10am for 10.30am.

Talks last up to an hour and the meeting is followed by a few drinks at the bar run by our own members. The next meeting is on Friday October 4 and the talk is ‘The Gunpowder Plot’ by Dr Tim Brain.

8. Meetings of groups in area 

The next meeting of Lechlade with Fairford Mothers’ Union is on Wednesday October 9 at 2pm in Lechlade Memorial Hall.

Meg Ralph will talk about ‘Being a Celebrant’.

On Wednesday October 9, Lechlade Gardening Club will present a talk by Roger Umpelby on ‘Bugs: the good, the bad and the ugly’.

The meeting starts at 7.30pm in Lechlade Memorial Hall. Membership is £5 per person per annum, after which it is £2 to attend each meeting or £3 for visitors. For more information, please contact 01367 253309 or 01367 252286.

Working 4 Wellbeing’s Family Hub is offering a Toddler & Baby Free Play parent-supervised session every Wednesday from 10.30am-12 noon in the Keble Room (upstairs) of Fairford Community Centre.

This is a warm welcome space for toddlers and their families to enjoy this Autumn. Enjoy parent connection and toddler socialisation. Free entry, donations welcome. Refreshments provided by Fairford Talking Café. Working 4 Wellbeing Toddler & Baby Free Play