WEEKLY COLUMN of Fairford and Lechlade news by Chris Roberts

1. Arkell's Brewery supports the Palmer Hall 

 Just before Covid, the Palmer Hall Management Committee raised over £70k to update and refurbish the interior of the historic community hall situated right in the middle of Fairford (next to the Plough inn).

The land that the hall was built on in 1936 was donated to the people of Fairford by Arkells’ Brewery.

Eighty eight years later, Arkells’ Brewery and the Palmer Hall still have close ties.

When Director, James Arkell heard that the Palmer Hall management team were holding a Super Raffle to raise money to upgrade and renovate the exterior of the building, he kindly donated a wonderful prize to add to the already awesome collection of prizes on offer.

James said: “My grandfather, Sir Noel Arkell, would have been delighted to know that the committee is giving the Palmer Hall the attention that it deserves.”

One lucky Super Raffle ticket holder will win a Tour of Arkell’s Brewery for six people and will also take home a ‘six-of-the-best’ beer box per person. There’ll also be an opportunity for the winner and their friends to browse round the onsite Grape & Grain Wine & Brewery Warehouse and shop for presents or a souvenir of their visit.

The draw for the Super Raffle takes place at the Palmer Hall Autumn Fayre after 3.30pm on Saturday October 12. Tickets cost £5 and can be purchased from: JPA Financial Planning (opposite the Plough); The Coffee Post; or The Plough. Alternatively, they’ll be on sale at the Palmer Hall every Saturday from 10.30am-12.30pm and Tuesdays from 5pm-6.30pm or you can email palmerhallsecretary@outlook.com and put the word ‘RAFFLE’ in the subject line.

2. Annual ploughing match is back 

The Fairford, Faringdon, Filkins & Burford Ploughing Championships & Country Show is on Saturday September 28 at Little Faringdon Road, Langford GL7 3LA by kind permission of AJ Cole & Son and Mr P Kirby.

The Ploughing Match will be in the morning and the Country Show in the afternoon with all the popular exhibitions and demonstrations including the Tractor Parade and Steam Engines.

The show is open to the public from 8.30am. Ploughing and Hedge-laying competitions start at 9am with most of the competitions ending at 2.30pm. Displays by steam, horses and main ring continue until approximately 4pm.

Ploughing is still the prime job on the land, and despite this high technological age, the basic design of the plough remains largely unchanged since medieval times.

Forward parking for members and Blue Badge holders.

Online entry tickets are on sale at £16 Adults, £7 Children (aged 5-16), £40 Family (2 adults and 2 children) and £11 OAPs. Children under 5 are free.

Note: The Ploughing Match and Country Show take place on fields, so the ground may be rough and difficult going especially if wet. Dogs are welcome on the day (especially Terriers). For more information, visit https://ploughingmatch.co.uk/.

3. Used birthday cards 

If you have any used greetings cards – birthday, anniversary, thank you, new house etc – they can be recycled to raise funds for The Cobalt Unit in Cheltenham.

Please put your cards in the ‘paper recycling box’ in the Corpus Christi Chapel in St Mary’s Church, Fairford. Drivers and Minibus Drivers are needed to help get people to their medical appointments or to the Edna Dawes Lunch Club on a Monday or Wednesday.

You could drive your own car or the Friends of Fairford & Lechlade Communities’ minibus. This could be weekly or monthly – whatever suits you. Any additional medicals required will be reimbursed.

Please contact Katie Bull on 07713 607106, edlc@friendsoffairford.org.uk or Val Harvey on 07540 798226, transport@friendsoffairford.org.uk.

4. Auction of promises for Project Inspire 

On Saturday September 28 at 7.30pm in Lechlade Memorial Hall, there will be an Auction of Promises.

A wide variety of promises to be auctioned online and at an entertaining evening event. All funds raised for the benefit of Project Inspire – the plan to restore and re-order the church of St Lawrence, Lechlade. Details of how to book on: www.stlawrencelechlade.org.uk.

5. Need care support at home? 

The Care Net based in Lechlade has space for people who may need that little bit of care support at home.

The Care Net’s team of dedicated carers completes a range of different tasks within your own home: personal care, medication support, meal preparation, light domestic duties, social outings and companionship. If you or someone you know is looking for a little TLC, please get in contact on 01367 705081 where Karen or Becca will be free for a chat.

6. Historic hall in area 

Did you know that the historic Palmer Hall in Fairford has a lovely, spacious hall with a badminton court already marked out on the beautiful Australian Jarrah wood flooring.

The flooring is believed to have come from the trucking alley at the Huntley & Palmer biscuit factory in Reading and the Australia Jarrah belongs to the Eucalyptus family, which is dark maroon and deepens with the years due to sunlight. It is one of the finest and hardest hardwood materials and absolutely perfect for playing badminton.

If you would like to hire the hall to come and play badminton, please contact palmerhallsecretary@outlook.com. Or maybe you’d like to get some friends/colleagues together to form a club and play regularly.