WEEKLY COLUMN of Tetbury news by Kevin Painter 

1. Exploring the murders and myths of Jack the Ripper 

On Sept 13 Tetbury Police Museum & Courtroom Present Don’t go into the cellar In this theatrical shocker, award-winning actor Jonathan Goodwin plays different characters as we explore the murders and the myths of the infamous Jack the Ripper. Even to this day, the identity of the serial killer remains unknown.

Although theories abound as to who he might have been, and what his motives were, it seems unlikely that the truth shall ever be known. Join them for an immersive experience into the mysterious world of Jack the Ripper.

Uncover the chilling tales and unsolved mysteries surrounding one of history's most infamous figures. Enjoy this atmospheric one-man show adapted from classic stories based around the Ripper theme.

Was the Ripper a mad doctor, an escaped lunatic, a deranged barrister - or someone just like you or me? This original theatre show includes an adaptation of The Lodger. The show is scripted by Jonathan Goodwin.

For more information or to book your ticket that cost £13.70 please visit Tickets at jacktheripper.eventbrite.co.uk

2. Fantastic book festival returns this weekend 

The Fantastic Tetbury Book Festival returns from 13th - 15th September 2024. On Friday 13th September at 7.00pm Meg Rosoff - Almost Nothing Happened The Carnegie winning author on her new book, and what young adults like to read-or not.

On Saturday 14th September program begins at, 11.00am Richard Fortey - Close Encounters of the Fungal Kind: Remarkable MushroomsA journey through the bizarre and wonderful wold of mushrooms and toadstools.11.15am Sarah Corbett - A Gentle Craftivism Workshop. Make your own project and be a gentle, creative protester!

No experience necessary, but age 14+. 1.00pm Eleanor Barraclough - Embers of the Hands. Meet the Vikings hidden from history. 3.00pm Sarah Corbett and Katy Bevan: Craft, Community and Changing the World,Crafting is both ancient and modern - but can we use it to take back control over our lives? Then at 7.00pm The Bookshop Band: Emerge, Return. Brilliant songs inspired by books we love.

On Sunday 15th September, 11.00am Daniel Light - The White LadderA history of climbing from the dawn of mountaineering to the ascent of Everest. 11.15am The Bookshop Band: A Musical Workshop, How to write a song - no previous experience necessary, and open to all ages and abilities.1.00pm Dai George: How to Think like a Poet, How to enjoy poetry more - from Sappho to Shakespeare and Donne to Plath.3.00pm Four Poets, Martha Sprackland, Declan Ryan, Chrissy Williams and Will Burns. Give them a subject to write on. 5.00pm Rosanne Pike - A Little Trickerie, Meet Tibb. You will never forget her. The best novel of the summer. And then at 7.00pm Darren Freebury-Jones: Shakespeare's Borrowed Feathers, Why does Shakespeare still talk to us - and is it really his voice we hear?

3. Book quiz 

On Wednesday 18th September It is the great The Book Quiz! At 7.00pmFiendish, fun, and prizes galore. For everyone, raising money for books for schools. Tickets : £8.50 or save when you buy 5 pay for 4. Workshops £16.00 Available online from Ticketsource, the Yellow-Lighted Bookshop and Tetbury Goods Shed.

4. Annual beating of the bounds 

The Feoffees and the Thirteen of Tetbury are pleased to invite you all to the annual Beating of the Bounds on Saturday 14 September. Gathering under Bath Bridge at 9.30am, The Beating of the Bounds of Tetbury is a historic Leisurely but enjoyable Circular tour of the original Town boundaries, that give people the chance to have a tour of the town’s boundaries and taking in some of the often overlooked gems of the Town.

Your guide will give a witty and insightful look at Tetbury’s history this will be followed by refreshments and will conclude with the presentation of the Feoffees of Tetbury accounts. at the magnificent Town Hall/Market House

5. Tetbury Expo Day 

On Saturday, 14th September 2024 It is Tetbury Expo Day at Dolphins Hall, Tetbury, GL8 8DS from10am-2pm Local organisations and clubs will be showcasing their unique talents and services, offering you a chance to discover what makes our community special.

You can explore a variety of activities, meet passionate members, and find opportunities to get involved. Whether you are looing to volunteer, join a club, or simply connect with others, Tetbury Expo has something for everyone.Discover Tetbury's Spirit: Connect, Volunteer, Thrive Together!

Free Admission this is a Tetbury Town council initiative

6. Special event at Westonbirt School 

This Sunday 15th September your invited for a very special event the Westonbirt Flower Show. Join them for a fun-filled family day located in the stunning grounds of Westonbirt School.

Discover a range of exciting activities and many attractions for all the family.There will be a range of retail stalls, food & drink, live music and competitions. There will also be, Classic Car Show, CCF activities, Italian Garden tours(pre booking required), Fairy Trails, and Afternoon Tea(pre booking required)

This year they will be hosting garden tours of their beautiful Italian Gardens. They have volunteers coming in who will be running the tours who know everything about the stunning gardens and will be able to answer any questions that you may have.

The tour times are11:30am and again at 1:30pm. They are also pleased to be offering this year afternoon teas from 12.00pm - 2.00pm.

You will be able to have a glass of prosecco with a selection of sandwiches and cakes. It will be £18.00 per person - you can book tea for 2 of tea for 4. Times for the day, 10:30 - Gates open,11-11:45 - Music performance,11:00 - 11.45, Garden tour 1 11.30am. Competitions, 12:00 - Best kids drawing, 12:15 - Best bake, 12:30 - Best gin, 12:45 - best preserve, 1:00 - Best flower display, 1:15 - Best fruit and veg, 1.15pm. Music performance 1.30pm-2.15pm, Garden tour 2 1.30pm and then at 2:00 the Raffle The school CCF (Combined Cadet Force) will be present and running various air force activities for you to enjoy and take part in.

This is all in support for Gloucestershire Young Carers Charity.And the future is certainly in safe hands as what is truly amazing is this event is organised by y13 students with Miss Naomi Catley head of business at Westonbirt school and her team, as part of their business course, and this is the second year of this highly successful and popular event

7. Last Tetbury car boot sale of the season 

On Sunday 15 will be the last for this season Tetbury car boot sale at at Longfurlong lane, post code GL8 8TJ, Sellers can arrive at 9.00 pm and then open to buyers from 9.30 am. The cost is Sellers £5, Vans £7. Admission is just 50p for Adults children are free. And please remember this is a cash only admission.

For more information or to book please email tetburycarboot@ gmail.com or ring or text (07900) 865535. Course weather permitting! There will be updates on Facebook Tetbury car boot. Please note the slightly earlier time for buyers to enter, to get that bargain!

8. Celebrating harvest together 

Let’s Celebrate Harvest together On Sunday 15th of September St Mary's Church Tetbury, Will be celebrating with a special harvest festival Family Service at 10:00 am, which will be followed by a bring and share lunch. Either bring your own lunch/picnic or a plate for sharing.

Please bring a glass, whatever you would like to drink and a plate, bowl and cutlery. Please do stay if you can - all are welcome and do bring your friends. Sharing a meal together is a great way to establish and deepen relationships and is something Christ encourages us to do, and so our celebrations continue after the service with coffee and then a harvest bring and share lunch to which you are all invited.

It will be a great opportunity to get together socially. Harvest donations from St Marys' Tetbury will in aid of Cirencester Food Bank with fresh produce for the Community Fridge. Also be celebrating on different days from the Tetbury benefice will be Holy Trinity Long Newnton on Sunday 22nd September at 11.15am.

St Mary's Beverston on Sunday 6th October at10.00am. St John the Baptist Shipton Moyne on Sunday 13th October at 11.15

9. Playtime theatre for pre-schoolers and their families 

On Wed 18 Sept Tetbury Good shed are delighted to present Playtime Theatre Sessions for Pre Schoolers and their Families Brought to The Shed by Sidney and Tristan from The Last Baguette.

Join Ratty and her friends for a fun and gentle introduction to theatre with play along story telling, original music puppetry, theatre games, movement, craft and lots of imaginative play. Ratty has a lot of ideas but sometimes things dont go according to plan — can you help her by playing along and working together?

There will be silliness, play acting, craft and music. Expect to play, watch, laugh and make. Sessions last one hour and are for 2-6 year olds and their grown ups. Just 50 spaces available (to include parents.

Under 12 months of age are free and do not need to be booked in advance, A Parent or Responsible Adult to accompany their children: we are not able to care for unaccompanied children Sessions last one hour and are for 2-6 year olds and their grown ups. Just 50 spaces available (to include parents)

Under 12 months of age are free and do not need to be booked in advance. For information or to book please visit www.shed-arts.co.uk Tickets just £5.00 Under 18 months are free Please choose from Show one at 10.00am or Show two at 11.00am

10. Tetbury Film Society begins new screening sessions 

On Wednesday 18th September, Tetbury Film Society will begin its New 2024/25 season by screening "Past Lives" (Cert. 12A). This Academy Award-nominated film follows two childhood friends, Nora and Hae Sung, over the course of 24 years as they try to maintain their long-distance relationship.

Everyone is welcome. Doors at the Dolphins Hall open at 7pm for a 7:30pm start. Tickets for visiting guests cost £6 and can be purchased on the door. Membership for the entire season is also available, visitwww.tetburyfilm.org.uk.

11. Out of Darkness at the Goods Shed 

Tetbury Goods Shed Cinema are pleased to be screening the film Out of Darkness(15) On Thursday Sept 19 In the Old Stone Age, a disparate gang of early humans band together in search of a new land. First they must find shelter, and they strike out across the tundra wastes towards the distant mountains that promise the abundant caves they need to survive.

But when night falls, anticipation turns to fear and doubt as they realize they are not alone.As they begin to suspect that a malevolent, mystical being is hunting them down, the clan are forced to confront a danger they never envisioned. directed by Andrew Cumming in his feature-length debut and starring Safia Oakley-Green and Chuku Modu.The film is entirely in an artificial language named Tola, invented by Daniel Andersson Running time: 1hr 27mins. Horror. Adventure. Drama. Doors open at 7pm. the film starts at 7:30pm-9:20pm tickets are £7.50 For more information or to book your tickets, please visit the new website:www.tetburygoodsshed.co.uk

`12. Burial ground crisis in Tetbury 

Tetbury Faces Burial Ground Crisis There was a dramatic change at the special Tetbury Town meeting held on Sept 4 2024

A report t he Council had stated in light of the Environmental Agency SPZ1 legislation implemented in October 2023, which renders Tetbury unsuitable for burial, significant changes are on the horizon for the town's funerary practices.

regarding the imminent closure of Tetbury Council burial site located at the back of St Saviour’s however in a email from Environmental Agency Technical Specialist, Cllr Kevin Painter read out ''I can confirm that the church grounds are not within SPZ1, which is the highest priority SPZ designation that we protect and have position statements for relating to development proposals.

As such the Environmental Protection regulations will apply to the site and it will need further assessment via the permitting process but with appropriate mitigation and management I do not see why a suitable permit could not be issued, if necessary.’, the author of the report Mr. Callum Ward of The CDS Group. confirmed this change. This positive news raised questions over ownership of the land next to the current burial site, which many believe did not belong to the DRC including a former deputy mayor and Ex Mayors wife and the request was made that the council have a further look for information and deeds relating to this matter, which the council agreed to do and they will be discussing the matter at the next full council meeting.

An amazing further development came forward when a member of the public and reminded everyone that there was an offer from a public spirited anonymous benefactorof £50,000 that would be given to the DRC for re numeration/ consideration so that the building in the Recreation Ground could be completed. He could not understand why his offer have not even had a reply.

Cllr Scott who is also chair of the DRC said because of the report they didn't think they would be any further burials in Tetbury however there is still the matter of dealing with the charity commission and Sport England over this.In response to the looming shortage, TTC has committed to investigating alternative sites within the town’s boundaries. One potential location being explored is part of Tetbury’s recreation ground, which has been identified for potential borehole testing to assess whether the land is suitable for burials. This matter will be discussed in detail at the upcoming Full Council Meeting on Monday 23rd September 2024, at Tetbury library, where further information will be shared with the community.

12. Cleaning up beautiful Tetbury area

What makes a Town great? The people, and a huge thanks you must go to tireless and so so modest Lucinda Beale know affectionately as Cindi who has been lobbying working hard trying to clean up part of The Goods Shed walk.

Amelia Black Director of the amazing Tetbury pet shop who with Cindi co-organised community clean up of The Goods Shed walk. Said This is to tackle the section of the path that was once the Tetbury tip site. Over the years the bank is eroding causing fragments of broken glass to litter the stream. We’ve had many dogs come in with cut paws due to this. The Feoffees own the old tip site on one side of the wall and the Tetbury Town Council own the footpath side! Both have given solutions for this already which is great, but a clean up is still in order. Cindi said after the clean up ''We picked for about 2 hours and managed to collect quite a substantial amount. I just want to give you some more background to the situation, which is that I've been down about a dozen times over the last few years, sometimes with the help of a friend, but usually on my own. It was great to have more help today, especially from a young lad who showed great determination to dig out a couple of hefty iron items, presumably left from the railways. We also concentrated on putting many stones back on the wall, in an attempt to recreate the natural barrier which held the glass back. I'm sure that will help. TTC and the Feeofees have both been receptive to the idea of somehow stopping the flow, either by adding a fence, or laying down dead trees, so hopefully one or both of those ideas will come to fruition.

It's so unfortunate that we have inherited this historical issue from previous generations. I'm very keen for people to know that this is an historical problem, and not " modern" litter. I'm hopeful that by all parties working together, we will make the area safe for our wildlife and our pets. It's so refreshing for someone to be fixing the problem and not the blame and she stated this is very much an ancient historical problem which is coming through I'm not modern litter disposal.'

Thank you and well done to all involved, this is about even more than just cleaning, it's about civic pride and taking ownership. If people do that, it makes a massive difference to the safety of our people of all ages, so everyone can enjoy this beautiful part of Tetbury