North Cotswolds MP Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown writes in his new monthly column for the Wilts and Glos Standard.

The dust has settled on the general election, and I am honoured to have been re-elected as the MP for the new North Cotswolds seat.

Returning to Parliament has meant saying goodbye to many, good colleagues and welcoming a huge number of new faces.

The King set out the priorities of the new Government with 39 bills announced, one of the largest slates of new bills in recent times, which will certainly keep Parliament very busy for the next couple of years as we enact all the legislation.

There was some carryover from the last Parliament, including the Tobacco and Vapes Bill, as well as parts of the Children’s Wellbeing Bill and Planning Reform.

What will carry on being a priority for me is ensuring taxpayer money is well-spent, this will be more essential than ever with the planned expansion of the state.

With the Great British Railways and Energy Bills, the state will be spending more than ever, and this money will have to come either from higher taxes or borrowing.

I was Deputy Chair of the Public Accounts Committee for 7 years, this highly influential committee examines the value of taxpayers' money on government programmes and projects, what I have found through the twice weekly inquiries we hold in this committee is that public run is not always better.

The government’s plans will need to be closely scrutinised in the years to come to save any major costs to the taxpayer or risking the country’s economic growth.

Locally, I will be re-instating my regular constituency surgeries. They will be held across the North Cotswolds and are an opportunity for me to help with personal casework.

I will also be continuing my twice-yearly river and flood meetings which have been growing in attendance and making real impacts on flooding issues in the Cotswolds since I started them.

The general election campaign was tough, but I am grateful for all the support and to all those who I managed to speak to on the door or at hustings across the constituency.

I listened to concerns and have taken the priorities people raised with me back to Parliament to be acted on.

I know there are concerns about large developments in areas with limited infrastructure, concerns about NHS waiting lists, calls for more support for young people in education, and worries about high immigration.

I will work hard during this Parliament to speak for the people of the North Cotswolds and take action!