South Cotswolds MP Dr Rosalind Savage column 

Last weekend I had the joy of attending our own "Glastonbury" - the WOMAD (World of Music, Arts and Dance) festival just outside Malmesbury.

It was a truly uplifting experience, a celebration of global culture and diversity that left me thinking deeply about the power of music and arts to unite us, especially when we have often felt like a nation divided. 

Since Brexit and the rise of parties like Reform UK, our nation has faced significant challenges and divisions. I know isolationism is not the answer.

We need to foster understanding and cooperation across borders to tackle organised crime, the climate crisis, boost prosperity and create opportunities, especially for our young people. 

The forces of isolation and division have fed on the frustrations of those who have felt left behind and ignored.

So I was proud to use my first votes in Parliament to call for the end of the two child benefits cap that has created financial hardship for so many families. 

I also supported moves to build cross-party consensus on the future of social care.  

Too many people are stuck in hospitals who could be at home if the right care package was available to support them.

We also need more help for our family volunteer carers. They save the NHS a fortune but are not properly supported or recognised.

It was disappointing to see our new Government oppose both these sensible measures. 

As your representative, I am dedicated to promoting policies that create opportunities, help those that really need it, bring people together to tackle the challenges we face and embrace our international connections. 

Together, we can: invest in culture, education and exchange programs that enrich our communities, support local arts initiatives that bring people together in our communities in celebration while developing policies that tackle economic inequalities and social divisions, all while encouraging open dialogue and understanding, and bridging the gaps between differing viewpoints. 

The WOMAD festival filled my heart with hope and reminded me of the Britain I want to see —a place where we celebrate diversity and inclusivity.

It’s a country where different cultures and ideas come together to create something beautiful and unique, much like the fusion of musical styles I enjoyed at the festival. 

Thank you for your continued support and for being part of this journey with me.

Together, I believe we can create a more harmonious and inclusive Britain - for everyone.