AN INSPIRATIONAL recipient of the Diana Legacy Award was invited to Malmesbury Primary School to spend a day with children and promote girls football. 

Olivia Hancock - an Ambassador for the FA Let Girls Play campaign which she helped set up alongside the FA - was invited by Nigel Roberts, owner of Sweetnam Bradley in Malmesbury to the school. 

Nigel invited Olivia to spend a day in school working with the children to shape their attitudes to girls' football and get them onboard. 

Other school governors have been involved in setting up girls' teams at the local football club, which have really taken off this season.  

(Image: Malmesbury Primary School) Olivia's work has led to her receiving her the Diana Legacy Award. 

The 18 year old has also written a blog on the Children's Commissioner website and has travelled the world campaigning for girls to be allowed to play football.

At Malmesbury Primary School she began the day with an assembly for all the school where she shared her experiences and explained how she had managed to make such a difference. 

Next came the annual Staff v Year 6 football match.

Olivia played on the Year 6 team and helped them to win for the first time ever, thrashing the staff 6-3! 

She then spent the day coaching groups of children and finished the day with a second assembly. 

Headteacher Steve Heal said: "The children were thrilled to meet Olivia. 

(Image: Malmesbury Primary School) "They welcomed her message and are keen to join in her campaign. 

"A huge thank-you to Olivia for coming all the way to Wiltshire and bringing her crucial message to Malmesbury Primary School!"

PE subject leader Judith Brown said: “We were delighted to welcome Olivia to the school to spread the crucial message of equality in sport.  

"The children were thrilled to meet Olivia and had a great time being coached by her.”

A Sweetnam Bradley spokesperson said: "It was a huge pleasure and honour to host one of only 20 members in the world of the Diana Legacy Charity, Olivia Hancock. 

"A lifelong passionate footballer, Olivia is campaigning to end sexism in girl’s football and introduce the sport into every UK primary school.

(Image: Sweetnam Bradley)

"Our Owners Nigel Roberts and Bella Roberts met Olivia in London during the coronation ceremony and invited her to speak at Malmesbury Primary School.

"Olivia has become a recognised voice in the sport for campaigning for gender equality.

"She has received the full support of England’s women's national team, the Lionesses, and in 2019 addressed the Union of European Football Association.

"Also, she's a lovely person and it was great to get the opportunity to show her around S&B."