PLANS have been submitted to transformed a closed bank in Malmesbury High Street into a restaurant.

An alcohol licence has been submitted to Wiltshire Council which could see the former Lloyds Bank building – which closed in 2020 – transform into a restaurant.

If approved the applicant says that the ground floor of the two-floor building would be used for licencing activities.

While the potential plans to open this new restaurant in the high street have been welcomed, concerns have also been raised about what this means for banking provision in the town.

When the Lloyds branch closed in 2020 – the last bank in the town - it was agreed that a mobile bank would visit the town twice a month so that residents could continue to have a place to talk to their finances about in person.

However these mobile visits ended last month with bank bosses recently being urged ‘not to turn their backs' on Malmesbury.

And while the news that the empty building could transform into a restaurant has been welcomed, new mayor Phil Exton said they would have preferred for there to still be a bank in the town adding that this seems ‘impossible to achieve’.

He said: "While we would prefer there to be an actual bank in Malmesbury - and we have lobbied for this as a town council - that appears to be impossible for us to achieve now for reasons outside of our control.

“Many small towns face this issue at the moment. 

"Given that the premises could therefore continue to be empty, we are happy to welcome new enterprises onto our High Street which can only be an advantage for all the other traders and prevents empty premises detracting from the vibrancy and variety of our town."

Gavin Grant, Wiltshire councillor for Malmesbury and Director of the Malmesbury Town Team, said: “I am delighted to see yet another new business planning to open in Malmesbury.

“I have been working with my colleagues on the Town Council, Town Team and our local businesses to drive up our visitor numbers and to bring the first large food and drink festival "EAT Malmesbury" here this October.

“Strengthening our hospitality offer will help both aims and this new restaurant business opening is another welcome vote of commercial confidence in Malmesbury.”

The consultation for the plans ends on Thursday, July 18. 

Anyone who wants to comment or see the plans, visit -