THOUSANDS are expected to visit Malmesbury as part of celebrations marking the 1100th anniversary of the accession of King Athelstan – the first King of England.

Approximately 27 events are due to take place over the next four weekends, many totally free, involving more than 100 local businesses and community organisations.

Events include walks, trails, a craft fair, picnics, performances, public digging, exhibitions and even a re-enactment village.

It was in 924 AD that Athelstan, the grandson of Alfred the Great, became king of Mercia and Wessex, the first steps on his journey to becoming the first King of England.

His relationship with Malmesbury is written deep in the DNA of the town and he chose to be buried at Malmesbury Abbey.

Organisers say events have been two years in the making and are excited to showcase Malmesbury nationally and internationally.

Community public big dig event 

The town will also host four of the world’s leading historians on Anglo Saxon history including author and podcaster Tom Holland, Michael Wood OBE and Professor Sarah Foot.

Also announced is Phil Harding who is best known for his role on the popular TV series Time Team.

Phil will be on hand to look and talk about some of the finds during the Big Athelstan Dig event. 

The community big dig event will involve 12 test pits being dug around the town by members of the public while supported by Cotswold Archaeology and a trail for visitors.

It’s well known that King Athelstan was buried in Malmesbury Abbey, although his remains were moved two hundred years after his death and their location now remains a mystery.

Phil said: “It will be an opportunity for local people to have first hand experience of their past through digging holes in the ground, under proper supervision.

“I am looking forward to coming to Malmesbury to see what they have found.”

There will also be an extraordinary exhibition of very rare Athelstan artefacts at the Athelstan Museum – the first of its kind in the world – on display from Tuesday, July 2.

Cllr Campbell Ritchie from Malmesbury Town Council said: “We are excited that after almost two years in the planning we are ready to showcase Malmesbury nationally and internationally and welcome thousands of visitors to our events throughout July.

“Our town was of exceptional importance in the Anglo Saxon period.

“Thank you to the many people who have come together to make this all possible and to put on a series of main events and pop-up events, walks and trails which offer appeal and experiences to all, with many free to attend.

“Everywhere you go in Malmesbury in the next month will have an ‘Athelstan’ vibe – from our shops promoting Athelstan 1100 and locally produced goods to the banners, bunting, the museum exhibition, Big Athelstan Dig, craft fair, picnic, re-enactments, performances and talks." 

What is taking place? 

The first event will take place on Friday, June 28 at Malmesbury Abbey with a performance of Oh! Athelstan by St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School choir.

June 29 and 30

The first weekend showcases the opening of the Athelstan Pilgrim Way - 100 miles of footpaths and cycleways linking churches across North Wiltshire.

Also taking place is a performance by junior school pupils in the Abbey, the launch of an album of songs by local musicians inspired by the characters and events in Malmesbury’s historical past and the start of the talks programme.

July 6 and 7

The weekend includes Malmesbury’s Big Athelstan Dig with community archaeology at sites around town – even in people’s gardens!

Visitors will be able to follow a trail and meet professional archaeologists who will help interpret finds.

July 13 and 14

The weekend will feature dramatic live performances at Malmesbury Abbey telling how Athelstan became the First King of England.

Malmesbury’s Cloister Gardens will be buzzing with a children-focused Big Athelstan picnic and an immersive Anglo-Saxon food, drink and craft fair.

July 20 and 21

The final weekend will see the creation of ‘Anglo-Saxon Malmesbury’, a re-enactment village and hands-on experiences, in Malmesbury’s river-side park at St Aldhelm’s Mead, and the opportunity to see Athelstan’s Anglo-Saxon warriors in action.

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Events have led by the Malmesbury Town Team with the Athelstan Museum, Malmesbury Town Council, the Warden and Freemen of Malmesbury (who trace their origins to Athelstan), Malmesbury History Society, Wessex Week, Malmesbury Abbey, Athelstan Players, local schools and volunteers.