A NEW children's writing project has been announced in Cirencester in hopes of encouraging young writers to ‘jump into the past’.

Book publisher Crumps Barn Studio has issued a call for submissions for writers aged between 8 to 15. 

Children are being asked to write a poem or short story inspired by objects and history cared for by the Corinium Museum.

Organiser and editor Lorna Brookes said: “We’re inviting children to ‘jump into the past’ and get inspired by history.

“The project has been created in collaboration with the Corinium Museum. 

“We really want young writers to get inspired by their local museum’s work and the fascinating historical objects they care for.” 

“Our last anthology was launched earlier this year at a brilliant event that was opened by the Cirencester mayor.

“This is our first collaboration with the Corinium Museum, and it’s also our first project specifically for young writers aged 8 to 15.

“It’s really important to me to encourage young talent. I can’t wait to see what they create.”

The publisher also recently announced a similar call for submissions by adult writers, with a focus on historical objects cared for by the Corinium Museum.

“We’re running the two projects side by side. 

“Both the children’s project and the adult anthology feature a history theme, so there are plenty of opportunities for writers of all ages. 

“We’ll be launching the finished books at special events in Cirencester later this year.

“We always love stories about mystery and magic, real places and true memories, fairy tales and adventures. 

“A young writer might find an idea by thinking about the story behind an Iron Age tool or a Roman pot, or a bead from an ancient necklace or a bone, or even a medieval fishing weight. 

“The object itself might be at the centre of their idea, or the modern day story of the people who found it. 

“Or perhaps their story or poem is about someone like them, visiting the museum and finding a surprise …”

The submissions deadline for the children’s anthology, Jump into the Past, is Thursday, 8 August.

Entries should be sent in by email.

More information and submission guidelines are on the Crumps Barn Studio website here - www.crumpsbarnstudio.co.uk