Ingleside House Hotel will turn into the notorious ‘Fawlty Towers’ for one night only.

It is all part of a new comedy dining experience offered by the hotel and entertainment venue.

They have teamed up with Laughlines to put on a series of dinner and fun nights, starting on Thursday June 20 with a Basil Fawlty & Co Comedy Dining Show.

Experience terrible service and mishaps from the most famous hotelier in the land, Basil Fawlty, along with his wife Sybil and the hapless Spanish waiter, Manuel.

In addition to a delicious three-course meal prepared by their in-house chefs at Téatro, expect plenty of laughter, manic chaos, in a jaw-achingly hilarious live interactive show.

This will be followed up by Edmund & Queenie on Thursday August 1, Carry on Screaming Its Murder, on Halloween, Thursday October 31and a Panto-Crime: A Comedy Murder Mystery on Thursday December 21.

Doors open at 6pm for a 7:30pm start. All events should finish around 10pm.

“If you are a Blackadder, or going further back a Carry-On fan then these nights are for you,” explained Ingleside manager Ryan Walters.

“Ingleside Entertainment has been going from strength to strength since we brought it to Ingleside. We have The Beatles complete here in July so the summer calendar is looking quite full. So, if you like live music and comedy, come check out our events.”

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