A CALL has gone out for volunteers to help make this year's carnival in Malmesbury bigger and better than ever.

The Malmesbury Carnival is a longstanding tradition in the town that brings residents, businesses and visitors together for a jam-packed programme of fun events during the summer months.

It was first held in the town in 1917 and was taken over a committee in 2019, which is made up of 13 members who meet monthly.

Malmesbury Carnival is a charity which relies entirely on local volunteers so organisers are encouraging everyone in the community to get involved to make this year's event a huge success.

The committee has been busy organising an array of fabulous events and this year visitors can expect live music, parades and a plethora of children's activities in the town during August. 

Representatives from many local organisations such as schools, scouts, pubs, societies and businesses will march through the town in an elaborate display of colour and music on Saturday, August 31.

A vast number of stewards are needed to help these events run as smoothly as possible.

Malmesbury Carnival co-chairman Paul Overton said: "Last year we were blessed with sunshine for all the open-air events and people turned out in numbers to enjoy open gardens, Petticoat Lane, music in the Cloisters and, of course the procession.

"These were all part of a programme of more than 20 events in 2023 which helped to raise some £23,000 for local good causes.

"Entries for this year's procession can be as broad as possible, but as the town is marking the 1100 Anniversary of King Athelstan, there will be a special prize for the best entry which reflects this aspect of the town’s history.

"We very much hope that pubs, shops, organisations and individuals will take part to make this a really special year.

"The success of such a full programme is heavily dependent upon our sponsors, event contributors and volunteers.

"So we are calling for entries, stewards and volunteers and we very mush hope that as many people as possible will take the opportunity to get involved."

For more details visit www.malmesburycarnival.co.uk