PLANS for a Greggs at a petrol station in the Cotswolds have been given the go-ahead.

Motor Fuel Limited has been granted permission to extend the side of the service station at A429 Fosseway in Lower Slaughter, near Bourton-on-the-Water.

The scheme also includes new fencing to create a relocated bin storage area.

The proposed extension would measure approximately 8.8 metres in depth, 4.2 metres in width and 4.4 metres at its highest point and approximately 3.2 metres in height on the flat roof section.

The extension will accommodate a Greggs outlet. And opening hours would be from 6am to 11pm.

Jackie Ford, the applicant’s agent consultant, told the Cotswold District Council planning committee on May 8 that they want to extend the sales building and relocate the bin store.

“The proposed use implements and extends the range of existing goods sold in the sales building currently,” she said.

She said the site currently sells sandwiches, snacks, hot drinks and cold drinks.

“It meets the needs of motorists who are visiting the site. Greggs also offer a healthy eating option as part of their menu.”

Councillor Len Wilkins (C, Bourton Vale) spoke against the scheme and raised concerns over road safety.

He said it is an inappropriate position for a Greggs and the parish council has tried to protect the west side of the Fosseway from development.

“You do get lots of light pollution from this site,” he said.

“I’ve got concerns because the highway safety aspect has changed. This is going to be a very busy area.”

He said he believed the scheme went against planning policies and is concerned it would have an impact on takeaways in the village.

Officers recommended approving the scheme and the committee voted to approve the scheme by five votes in favour, three against and one abstention.