Weekly Fairford and Lechlade news column by Chris Roberts MBE 

1. New conductor looks forward to her first concert in Fairford

Nia Llewelyn Jones is the new conductor of the Fairford & District Choral Society. She took over the role in January this year following the retirement of Marysia Gorska-Saj, who hung up the baton in December 2023.

Nia, who is originally from Bangor in North Wales, has worked as a professional musician for over 10 years, and conducting the choral society will form part of her portfolio of work. She currently works as a senior producer with the BBC making religious radio programmes for Radio 4 and Radio Wales. 

Now living in Gloucester, Nia also works with the choirs of Gloucester Cathedral, where she first started working ten years ago. Nia first visited St Mary’s Church in Fairford to assist Adrian Partington, Director of Music at Gloucester Cathedral on a singing day a few years ago. She said she was struck by the beauty of the church and especially the stained-glass windows. 

Nia also has a very busy freelance career and has worked with wonderful choirs such as the London Symphony Chorus, the CBSO Chorus, and is involved with BBC NOW, conducting the orchestra in various events including for the Welsh language children’s television network, in programmes designed to ignite an interest in classical music in young children’s imaginations.

Nia conducted the FDCS’ first rehearsal in January quite soon after she first took over the role of conductor, and Nia’s first concert with FDCS will be Dvořák’s Mass in D Major and the Fauré Requiem on Saturday April 13 at 7.30pm in St Mary’s Church, Fairford.

Soloists will be Charlotte Newstead (Soprano), Nicole Boardman (Mezzo), Nicholas Drew (Tenor) and Nicholas Perfect (Bass) with Ian Crabbe accompanying on the organ.

“I am delighted to be the next conductor of FDCS. I look forward to rehearsing and performing in the setting of the church and to making music with the wonderful FDCS members.”

The Fairford & District Choral Society is always looking to welcome new singers and members and would like to hear from anyone interested in joining this wonderful Choral Society. If interested or if you require more information about joining the choir, becoming a member or to book tickets for the concert in April, please contact contact@fairfordchoralsociety.org.uk or visit the website: www.fairfordchoralsociety.org.uk. 

2. Swing from Paris in Quenington 

Swing from Paris is an evening of Parisian-flavoured jazz and Gypsy Swing presented by UK quartet Swing from Paris and being held on Saturday February 24 in Quenington Village Hall, The Green, Quenington GL7 5BS.

Doors and bar open at 7pm and performance is from 7.30pm-9.30pm (including a 20-minute interval). For tickets cost £15 from Eventbrite and search Swing from Paris at Quenington Village Hall.

3. Informal fellowship gathering 

Matt Lee, of the Fairford Community Church, is organising an informal fellowship gathering of those who are interested in questions of Christian faith once a month in the Bull Hotel. It will be on the fourth Thursday of each month at 5.30pm, and this month that will be Thursday February 22. All welcome!

4. Working 4 wellbeing 

Working 4 Wellbeing is organising a trip to the Orbital Shopping Centre in Swindon on Friday February 23. Pick up in Lechlade at the Memorial is 12.15pm and pick up in Fairford outside the Community Centre is 12.30pm. Return at 3pm. Cost £3. Thanks to Lechlade Lions for driving. To book or for more information, contact Mary Ann on 07555 738138. 

5. Fairford Gospels during lent 

Lent Talks – The Fairford Gospels are on every Friday during Lent starting at 12 noon in St Mary’s Church, Fairford. The first event is on Friday February 23 with Mark’s Gospel; the next event is on Friday March 8 with Matthew’s Gospel; the third event is on Friday March 15 with Luke’s Gospel and the final one is on Friday March 22 with John’s Gospel. Listen to all or part of the gospel; enjoy a soup lunch; come when you can, stay as long as you are able. Tickets for all events available from Graham Light on grahamdlight77@gmail.com. 

6. Measures to restore healthy water course 

Fairford Mayor, Vicky Lipscombe-Kettel and Deputy Mayor, Marcus Stroud recently visited the Ernest Cook Trust’s (the Trust) three-mile stetch of the River Coln to look at some of the measures that have been put in place to restore an ecologically healthy water course.

Measures along the river that runs from Fairford to just north of Quenington include riverbank repairs, habitat improvements, and renewing fencing, as well as the installation of mains water into the meadows to remove cattle drinking points, which will help to reduce pollution and bank erosion. 

This work has been made possible thanks to grant funding from the Farming & Wildlife Advisory Group and significant investment from the Trust itself. Additional funding from the Thames Water Rivers and Wetlands Community Days project will be used to offer a range of activities for the local community.

The Trust will soon be running guided walks to enable people to explore beyond the permissive footpath areas and learn more about the wonderful habitat along the river. For more about this, contact Communities Lead Karen Price: karen.price@ernestcooktrust.org.uk.

7. Jumble sale back next week 

Southrop Jumble Sale is back on Saturday March 2 from 1pm-2.30pm at Southrop Village Hall. Ideal low-cost shopping experience in this time of rising costs. Also, a great opportunity for a clear out after Christmas.

Come and bag a bargain: clothing, books, toys, bric-a-brac. Refreshments and a raffle. Entrance only £1. Cash only. In support of the Southrop School PTA. Donation times: Wednesday February 28 from 9am-11.30am; Friday March 1 from 1pm-2.45pm and Saturday March 2 from 10am-11.30am. For more information, contact PTA@Southrop.gloucs.sch.uk.

8. Dementia awareness event 

A Dementia Awareness event is being held at Lechlade Library on Tuesday February 27 from 10.30am-12 noon. For more details, visit www.lechladelibrary.co.uk.