FAMILIES and friends from across Malmesbury area braved the rain and gathered in the town centre to remember those who have given their lives for their country over the weekend.

Members of 9 Regiment Royal Logistic Corps led a parade through Malmesbury to mark Remembrance Sunday for the first time on Sunday, November 12.

30 soldiers from Buckley Barracks, headed by major Carys Hardwick, marched from Cross Hayes and up the High Street to Malmesbury Abbey.

Falling in behind them were the warden and freemen of Malmesbury, town councillors, representatives of the emergency services, local dignitaries and guests of Malmesbury mayor Cllr Gavin Grant.

They joined representatives of the Royal British Legion, Malmesbury Air Cadets, Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Brownies alongside veterans, their families and townspeople in a packed Malmesbury Abbey, where the annual service of remembrance was led by reverend Oliver Ross.

Also parading and attending the service were Malmesbury’s first two mayoral cadets, Jess Evans and Matthias Fung. 

Their appointments were announced by Cllr Grant at a recent meeting of Malmesbury Town Council.

The cadets will accompany the mayor at civic events in the coming months.

Cllr Grant said: “We are grateful to the men and women of 9 Regiment RLC for lending their support to this very important occasion.

"It is the first time in many years we have joined in parading to the Abbey with those in active service of our country.

"As mayor, I think it is very important we recognise, honour and remember the sacrifice made by so many in two World Wars and the years since, to keep our country safe and protect our freedom and democracy. 

"I was delighted to be joined by deputy lord lieutenant Piers Dibben, high sheriff of Wiltshire Pradeep Bhardwaj, officer commanding 9 Regiment Lt colonel Amar Bhundia and his regimental sergeant major Carl Blackburn, inspector Gareth Edwards of Wiltshire Police, our local member of parliament James Gray and the local prospective liberal democrat MP, Dr Roz Savage MBE, among others."

Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard: Remembrance parade in Malmesbury Remembrance parade in Malmesbury (Image: Richard Harris)

Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard: Remembrance parade in MalmesburyRemembrance parade in Malmesbury (Image: Richard Harris)

Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard: Remembrance parade in Malmesbury Remembrance parade in Malmesbury (Image: Richard Harris)