AN ANTI-SOCIAL Behaviour Order has been imposed on a man who harassed patients and staff at a hospital.

Julian Abbott, aged 45, has been involved in a number of threatening and violent incidents at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital.

Abbott, of Gloucester, has also been charged with street drinking and public order offences in the past, as well as using violence against security officers in Gloucester Quays and police officers.

The case was brought against Abbott by Solace, a joint team of officers from Gloucestershire Constabulary, Cheltenham Borough Council and Gloucester City Council.

The injunction imposed forbids Abbott from:

  • Engaging in conduct which causes or is capable of causing alarm or harassment or distress to any person within Gloucester
  • Using or threatening to use violence towards any person within Gloucester
  • Using or threatening to use violence against any member of NHS staff
  • Using or threatening to use violence against any emergency worker

The order lasts until August 22 next year so officers can arrest Abbotts if he is caught breaching any of this conditions during this time frame.

Solace officer Matt Roberts said: "Abbott has caused problems at the hospital and in the city for some time.

"He would attend A&E, intoxicated with alcohol, harassing members of the public waiting to receive treatment, and when his behaviour was challenged would become aggressive and threatening towards staff.

"Our hope is that this injunction will curtail Abbott's conduct, and in doing so, will offer our hard-working NHS staff some respite from his unacceptable actions."

Sergeant Andrew Doyle of the Gloucester Neighbourhood Policing Team said: "Despite efforts to support and prevent repeat behaviour, Abbott has continued to cause problems for businesses and visitors to the city.

"We work closely with our partners Solace and City Safe to ensure that action is taken to target individuals involved in anti-social behaviour and ensure our community feels safe."

CitySafe manager Steve Lindsay said: "Abbott has become a real problem for retailers and visitors to our city.

"Abbott has been offered support and has not engaged and now his shoplifting offences and his violent drunken behaviour is getting out of control, so this outcome is fully welcomed by the business community and visitors to our city."

If anyone sees Abbott breaching these conditions, it can be reported to the police online on

If anyone sees Abbott breaching these conditions, it can be reported to the police online on