A 39-YEAR-OLD man has been sentenced for driving without due care and attention after a crash in which a child passenger was injured.

Oliver Flippance also failed to stop after careering into the crash barrier on the A419 near Cirencester in his Seat Ibiza on September 8 last year.

During the crash a child in the vehicle was injured.

In relation to the injured child, Flippance was charged with wilfully neglecting a minor in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health.

Flippance pleaded guilty to three offences relating to the crash when he appeared at Cheltenham Magistrates Court on Monday, August 7.

The defendant, of Dolina Road, Swindon, pleaded guilty to driving without due care and attention, failing to stop after an accident and neglecting a child for whom he had responsibility.

In relation to the offence of neglecting a child, a 20-week prison sentence was imposed suspended for a year.

For the two driving offences, he received a four-week prison sentence suspended for a year which will run consecutively to the other sentence if activated. 

This means that if Flippance commits any further offences within this time frame he will have to spend more than five months in prison.

The court also ordered him to attend rehabilitation appointments for a maximum of 10 days and to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work within the next year.

Eight points were also added to his licence. 

Flippance must also pay a victim surcharge of £154 plus £774 costs - a total of £928.