A 60-YEAR-OLD woman has pleaded guilty to stealing just over £10,000 pounds.

Lilian Chambers, aged 60, of Thrupp Lane, Stroud, admitted two counts of fraud and two of stealing at a hearing on Monday, August 7.

During the hearing at Cheltenham Magistrates' Court, Chambers admitted committing fraud in Tetbury between July 1, 2013 and February 19, 2016.

She gave details of a personal bank account to a business pretending that the account was that of her employer, gaining £1,214 for herself.

She committed a similar offence between February 16, 2016 and November 30, 2017.

During this period, she again misrepresented personal bank details as her employer's to a corporate customer in Tetbury and gain £9,901 for herself.

In addition to the fraud charges, Chambers was also charged with theft.

Between July 1, 2013 and February 19, 2016 she stole £1,214 belonging to Greene King in Tetbury.

Similarly, between February 16, 2016 and November 30, 2017 she stole £9,901 from the same company, also in Tetbury.

Chambers was released on unconditional bail and will be sentenced at the same court on Monday, September 4.