GLOUCESTERSHIRE Constabulary has released a mugshot of the 30-year-old man from Cirencester who has been jailed after a police raid discovered £80,000 worth of drugs in his property.

The case was heard at Gloucester Crown Court on Friday, August 4.

Nathan Woodward, now of School Lane, Cirencester, pleaded guilty to possessing cocaine and cannabis with intent to supply and also to possessing £17,660 in cash on May 25, 2023 and to criminal property and possession of a weapon - a stun gun - on the same date.

The judge sentenced Woodward to four years in prison.

Officers from the Cotswold and Stroud Vanguard team issued a warrant to search a property in Ampney Crucis after information had been submitted from the public about suspected drug dealing at 8.50am on Thursday, May 25.

During the search they found £17,660 worth of cash in the kitchen, along with drug paraphernalia and a rechargeable stun gun.

They also found a list which indicated that Woodward had been dealing for three years.

Officers also uncovered 859 grams of cannabis - valued at £8,590 - and a bag of cocaine - valued at £40,000 - in a hidden sealed blue container in the garden.

Prosecutor Rhianna Fricker also told Gloucester Crown Court that a police dog unit had located 413 grams of cocaine - valued at £32,000 - in vehicles parked on the driveway.

Judge Lawrie told Woodward: “Up to now you led a perfectly good law-abiding life until you entered the world of drugs.

"Because of the amount of drugs involved means that you are at the top of the range in the sentencing guidelines.

“You’ve had the benefit of having very good friends around you who’ve written testimonials on your behalf.

"These statements suggest your criminal actions were ‘a mistake’ however I feel it was more than this as you were at it for three years.

"You pleaded guilty to all the charges at the magistrates’ court.

“I can see why you did it so as to secure your family and your home during the pandemic.

"But you difficulties were no different to thousands of others who didn’t resort to criminal activity.

"You made thousands of pounds in profit.

“I realise you started on this journey to pay back your debt, but as you got into the swing of things you continued to supply drugs for financial gain.

"Your financial needs were overtaken by greed.

"The supply of class A and B drugs is all too prevalent in Gloucestershire as it is across the county, you would have been alert to that, but it didn’t stop you doing it.

"Over the three years you would have supplied a lot of drugs. You were also found with a stun gun, which you claimed was a novelty item.

“I have no choice but to impose an immediate custodial sentence of four years.”

The judge ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs and relevant paraphernalia and the deprivation of the stun gun and mobile phones.

Woodward was warned that he faces a proceeds of crime confiscation hearing in due course.