New Gloucestershire-based pet food brand, Caboodle which is designed to tackle pet obesity is rewarded for its innovation by making the finals of the Pet Industry Federation’s Pet Innovation of the Year Award.

The finals take place on 7 & 8 June at The Business of Pets Conference at Cranfield Management Development Centre, near Milton Keynes.

Caboodle is based in Bagendon, Gloucestershire .

Caboodle is the brainchild of the company’s three founders who already have impressive pedigrees in the pet world. They are: Karen Hanton MBE, Founder of Top Table , Pets Pyjamas and Positive Luxury, Investor and serial entrepreneur. Gillian Quek, Co-founder of training centre The Dog House Trading Company who with Michelin Starred chef Michel Roux OBE created a range of premium treats and snacks for dogs and Simon Arkwright, an experienced strategist and innovation insight expert, working previously with Purina, Unilever and GSK.

Caboodle started trading in the summer of 2022, was born from a mutual desire of its founders to combat the disturbing rise in pet obesity and to create effortless feeding solutions for today’s busy dog owners.

Pet obesity is an ever- increasing problem. In the UK alone, it is estimated that 51% of dogs are overweight or obese. Obesity carries severe welfare risks for dogs. Obese dogs have shortened life spans, reduced quality of life and higher frequencies of some important conditions including arthritis, breathing problems, heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer.

Caboodle combines the most nutritious, healthy and varied flavours to create a selection of menus which will keep the fussiest of dogs satisfied and engaged.

Caboodle only uses the highest grade of ingredients and sources where possible from the UK and EU. Caboodle’s food contains no nasties and also incorporates a number of superfoods to give a dog all the added vitamins and minerals it needs for a happy and active life.

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