A WOMAN from Gloucester has been banned from the city following repeated anti-social behaviour.

Aimee Carter, aged 32 and of no fixed abode, was served with a civil Anti-Social Behaviour Injunction on September 21 at Cheltenham and Gloucester County Court.

It followed numerous reports to the police from members of the public, City Protection Officers and businesses in the city centre that Carter had been verbally abusive, engaged in shoplifting, begging, and had used violence against members of the public.

The case was brought against Carter by Solace, a joint team of officers from Gloucestershire Constabulary, Cheltenham Borough Council and Gloucester City Council.

Solace officer Matt Roberts said: “The behaviour that Aimee has demonstrated is not acceptable. She has caused issues in the city centre, often as a result of her heavy alcohol consumption.

“Examples of this include being verbally abusive to the City Protection Officers, stealing from local retailers, and violently assaulting another member of the public. 

“Our hope is that this order makes her think twice before engaging in this manner.”

Gloucester Neighbourhood Police Team Inspector Motala said: “We have been told that Aimee’s behaviour and offending is having a significant impact on the community.

"It is not acceptable for Aimee to impact businesses in the city centre, or the people visiting it.

“I hope this injunction sends a clear message that we will not tolerate this behaviour and will use whatever options are available to us and our partners to take action.

“I encourage anyone that witnesses Aimee breaching any of these conditions to report it, so further action can be taken”.

Gloucester City Safe Manager Steve Lindsay said: “Aimee Carter has been a nightmare for businesses and visitors to the city centre, committing several shoplifting thefts over the last two years.

“She has received warnings and banning letters, but has continued to behave in a way which has a knock-on effect to business losses.

“She has also caused harassment, alarm, and distress by aggressively begging for money in the city.

“This injunction not only protects the public and businesses within the city, but also shows that these types of behaviour will not be tolerated, and that Solace will deal with persistent offenders.”

The civil injunction order imposed by the courts forbids Carter from:

  1. Engaging in conduct which causes or is capable of causing alarm or harassment or distress to any person within the city of Gloucester.
  2. Using and threatening to use violence at any time to any person within the city of Gloucester.
  3. Being in a public place with an open bottle or can or cup containing alcohol within the city of Gloucester.
  4. Obstructing the highway by sitting or standing or squatting on the footpath or street or public highway within the city of Gloucester or within the area outlined blue on the map.
  5. Entering or being in the areas outlined in blue on the map attached at any time save for attending pre-arranged appointments in writing with Nelson Trust, Probation and/or CGL.
  6. Entering or being in Hillfield Gardens, Gloucester or in the Kings Board Building in Hillfield Gardens, Gloucester or in the area outlined in red on the map attached which is an exclusion zone including Hillfield Gardens area.

Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard: The civil injunction order prevents Carter entering the area outlined in red on the map The civil injunction order prevents Carter entering the area outlined in red on the map (Image: Newsquest)