Cotswolds MP Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown has criticised council plans to borrow £76.5m to invest in solar farms but civic chiefs have hit back at the Government’s own financial plans.

He raised the question of councils borrowing unsustainably large amounts of money for projects and cited the example of Thurrock Council, which is reported to be over £1 billion in debt due to borrowing money to invest in renewable energy, specifically, solar farms.

Sir Geoffrey said Cotswold District Council was in a worryingly similar situation where they are planning to borrow £76.5 million to invest in projects such as buying five solar farm sites.

In his answer, the Permanent Secretary Jeremy Pocklington highlighted his concerns of “councils borrowing disproportionately.”

Sir Geoffrey has since written to Cotswold District Council chief executive Rob Weaver to highlight his concerns.

“There is plenty of private investment available for such projects and I believe it is completely wrong to mortgage the council taxpayers of the Cotswolds,” Sir Geoffrey said in the letter.

“I also do not think the council has the experience or expertise to successfully manage such huge financial investment projects.”

But deputy council leader and finance cabinet member Mike Evemy said it was barely believable that the local MP should attack their plans to invest in solar energy at a time the Conservative Government is borrowing billions to fund tax cuts for the wealthiest in society.

He defended the council’s borrowing plans which he says would happen within Government rules and would need to deliver a positive return for council taxpayers.

“Contrast this with the Conservative Government’s tax plans which have led to a run on the pound and will see mortgage payments increase massively in the next few months as interest rates rise to deal with inflation,” he said.

“Our Government now pays more to borrow over ten years than those of Italy and Greece! Sir Geoffrey should be focussing his energies on getting his colleagues to sort out the mess they’re making of our economy rather than criticising the Lib Dem-run district council for looking for ways to tackle climate change and compensate for the reductions in funding from his Government.”