Proposed working hours at a Cirencester development have been shortened after accusations they would make normal life 'unsustainable' for people living nearby.

Carbide Properties are currently building an area of employment land to the east of Spratsgate Lane. 

Outline planning permission was granted as part of The Steadings development in 2019, and a reserved matters application has now been submitted for the approval of the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the site. 

A construction and environmental management plan (CEMP) prepared on behalf of the developer sought working hours of 7.30am until dusk Monday to Saturday, and 07.30am-1pm on Sundays.

The application received complaints from more than 60 neighbours, many of which focussed on the working hours.

Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard: Spratsgate Lane roundaboutSpratsgate Lane roundabout (Image: Newsquest)

Dr Sarah Cardew, of Berkeley Road, said: "I object to the indiscriminate terminology of 'dusk' used in the plans which could permit late night development noise when my children will be trying to sleep.

"I also object to being subject to the noise seven days a week. Our homes and gardens are places where we should be able to relax at weekends and not be subject to the onslaught of building noise."

Gordon Burley, of College View, added: "I appreciate daylight hours are shortening but come next spring this could mean noise and environmental pollution extending well into the evening.

"It is not as if these are emergency repairs when one can accept short-term pain for long-term gain. This is a private development and these hours are in pursuit of profit at the expense of the general population."

Alison Lock, of The Maples, said: "We have already been penalised due to road closures, noise, extra lorries and general inconvenience and these working hours will make normal life unsustainable."

Paul Taylor, of Alexander Drive, said: "We are having to put up with a great deal of noise and mess already from this site without having the working hours extended."

Following the objections a new CEMP has been submitted with working hours of 7.30am-6pm Monday to Friday, and 8am-1pm on Saturdays with no working on Sundays.

A statement from Bathurst Development Limited said: "The original application included a CEMP that proposed excessive working hours. 

"Acting on feedback from local residents, we have ensured the developers submitted a new CEMP with reduced working hours."