CONCERNS have been raised over plans to start charging for parking on Cricklade Street and Dyer Street in Cirencester.

While you can currently park for an hour free of charge, two-hour pay and display parking will be introduced as part of major changes to the town centre - which include clearer signage of the Cricklade Street pedestrianised area.

READ MORE: Changes to parking and traffic in Cirencester town centre

Two public meetings have been held by Park Community Group, which has raised a number of issues with the proposals.

Mary Cobbett, chair of Park Community Group, said: "This is going to be a major problem. There's no reason to change. It's going to drive away business."

Corinne Lamus, who also belongs to the group, said: "It is a destination for residents from outlying zones, or workers using precious minutes to pick up a few items. The area works very well as it is.

"The residents of Cirencester have been asking for better implementation/enforcement of the pedestrian zone in Cricklade Street for at least the last 10 years and that is all that was asked.

"I am saddened that on the back of what should have been a simple Traffic Regulation Order and little cost, a more detrimental parking provision for the people of Cirencester is being thrust upon us at a much greater cost."

Trader Martin Hewett, Corinne Lamus, concerned resident Len Barr and town councillor Rebecca Halifax on Cricklade Street

Trader Martin Hewett, Corinne Lamus, concerned resident Len Barr and town councillor Rebecca Halifax on Cricklade Street

Residents have also expressed concern on social media.

One commenter said: "It’s great being able to park on Cricklade Street or Dyer Street for 10 minutes and run into town. Won’t bother if you have to pay."

There have also been complaints about restoring access to Cricklade Street from West Way, with arguments made that the turning is not wide enough to be safely used by lorries.

A Gloucestershire County Council spokesperson said: “We are working in partnership with Cirencester Town Council to review the Market Place and Cricklade Street area of the town to make improvements to traffic flow, safety and accessibility for all road users.

“We are currently consulting on this proposal and would encourage everyone affected to submit their comments by the 14 April 2022 deadline. Once the consultation has closed all feedback will be considered before a decision is made on how to move forward.”

For more information on the proposed changes and to take part in the consultation go to