By Chris Roberts

A Fairford couple received the best Christmas present ever when they were told there was was no evidence of cancer within their toddler.

Chris and Leanne Waite's lives were turned upside down last year when their son Albie was diagnosed with a Rhabdoid tumour aged just 21 months.

Last April they had noticed there was something wrong with Albie’s right arm, and the diagnosis came after extensive tests and visits to hospitals all over the country.

For the past year, Chris and Leanne, who have lived in Fairford all their lives, have endured trips to and stays in Swindon's Great Western Hospital, Leeds General Hospital, Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital, the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in London and Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, as Albie underwent chemotherapy, radiotherapy and physiotherapy.

Then, on December 23, Albie was invited to ring ‘the end of treatment bell’.

Chris said: “For Albie, ringing the bell marked the end of having his chemotherapy treatment.

"For us, it was a really emotional moment and marked the end of a very long and traumatic journey.”

The future for Albie is now looking good, although he will continue to have regular scans for the next couple of years.

The movement in Albie’s right arm is still restricted, but he has adapted from being predominantly right-handed to now using his left hand for everything. In the future he will need reconstructive surgery on his arm.

Leanne, who gave birth to her third daughter, Addison, in October, said that her other daughters, Lilly (10) and Poppy (eight) have been amazing.

“They have had to grow up very quickly, but were brilliant at helping to take on the role of caring for Albie. Now Albie is enjoying caring for his younger sister, Addie and does everything he can to help.”

Self-employed general builder, Chris, said: “One of the most important things I’ve learned through this experience is how important it is to spend time with your family and loved ones.

"Before Albie got ill, I used to work hard for long hours and at weekends to provide for the family.

"But when Albie was in hospital, my values changed and I was happy to be there with him by his bedside giving him all the love and support that I could.”

“The girls and I are so lucky,” added Leanne.

“We have Albie as our little miracle and Chris as an inspiration for other fathers and husbands. We are now looking forward to getting back to normal.”