EFFORTS to tackle climate change in the Cotswolds were highlighted at the COP26 summit by Cotswold District Council’s leader.

Cllr Joe Harris (Lib Dem, St Michaels) travelled to Glasgow as part of the Local Government Association’s delegation and shared examples of best practice happening in the Cotswolds.

The District Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 shortly after the Lib Dems took control of the authority and the council’s leadership are now calling for more powers and money from the government so more can be done.

Cllr Joe Harris said: “Since we declared a climate emergency in the Cotswolds, we’ve been impressed with the enthusiasm from residents to play their part.

“I was pleased to present to leaders and delegates from across the world examples in the Cotswolds of community action such as in Blockley where they’ve just adopted their Climate and Ecological Action Plan or in South Cerney where a community action group has been created to influence residents in their community to make more sustainable choices.

“In order to support these communities, we need extra planning powers so the council can take further action, for example, compelling developers to build carbon zero homes and buildings.

“We also need more money - councils have been chronically underfunded over the past decade; Cotswold District Council alone has had it’s government funding cut by 60% so we desperately need money to help turn our climate reduction plans into action. Hitting residents in the pocket by raising council tax and other charges is not a sustainable long-term solution.”

Cllr Harris is also a signatory on a letter sent to the Prime Minister signed by hundreds of local councillors across the country calling on more power for local government to tackle climate change.

He added “Along with my colleagues from all political parties I’ve been lobbying for greater recognition of the role local government and communities will play in tackling climate change.

“The UK’s net zero targets can only be achieved if Government and local authorities work seamlessly together. More than half of the emission cuts needed rely on people and businesses taking up low-carbon solutions – including buildings, energy and transport - decisions that are made at a local and individual level.

“With 9 out of 10 councils having declared a climate emergency, full support from the Prime Minister and his government is needed to make sure local ambitions become a reality.”