A NEW tradition has emerged to make a trip to see the Barn Theatre in Cirencester’s annual Christmas production.

Even with the events of 2020, the award-winning theatre have ensured that the tradition remains with their new reimagined production of the J.M. Barrie classic, Peter Pan, which began performances on Thursday, December 3.

The one-man production, which is a new adaptation by Alan Pollock based off an original concept by director Kirk Jameson and composer Nick Barstow, follows a father as he retells his daughter’s favourite story via video call and let’s just say… he gets very invested into the world of Neverland!

Essentially, this production is a stunning one-man retelling of the classic tale with a subplot that packs an emotional punch at its conclusion as we learn the reasonings for this family’s love for the world of Peter Pan and the Lost Boys.

This new take seems pretty fitting in a world where we are deciding how to spend our Christmas festivities with many having to opt for virtual celebrations rather than a large family feast.

Now I’m sure there are some who like me when they first read “one-man retelling” wondered how this would be possible and if the stage would feel bare, however what I was treated to was anything but as Waylon Jacobs, the creative team and the Barn Theatre create an immersive world through incredible technology, performance and set design that will get people rushing to buy a return ticket to witness it again!

The Barn’s 2020 Theatre Recovery Season has been a revelation in proving that some of the best theatrical productions are often the smallest and most intimate.

This production is no different with Waylon Jacobs providing an outstanding performance as he transforms from the sinister Captain Hook, to the innocent Wendy and the beloved titular character.

It’s hard to comprehend how he has been able to learn and produce this performance with such a short rehearsal time, with the show’s rehearsal and performance schedules being affected by the second national lockdown.

Credit must be paid to director Kirk Jameson, who also recently directed the Barn Theatre’s production of the musical Marry Me A Little, and movement director Tosh Wanogho-Maud, who have ensured that there is never a moment for the audience to lose attention with non-stop action, adventure with great attention to physicality, staging and lighting to assist in helping the audience to imagine and suspend their disbelief.

I particularly loved the pacing of this production with things becoming more frenetic and larger in scale the more that the father got lost within the story, echoing the journey of the Darling children forgetting about their lives back home in the original tale.

Gregor Donnelly has once again transformed the theatre into a wonderful playground for creativity with a focus on using everyday objects to create the backdrop and props for this retelling.

From the bed doubling up as Captain Hook’s ship through to the ingenious way that Tinker Bell is brought to life and maintains all her magical qualities, the sheer fun of seeing these props find new meaning brought a childlike grin to my face.

With special mention also going to Benjamin Collins for the phenomenal animated projections that feel like a wonderful homage to the source material and Disney’s iconic film as well as when combined with Joe Price’s LX design and Harry Smith’s sound design provides the incredible technical wizardry and spectacle that has become the staple of a Barn Theatre production.

Nick Barstow’s original score for this production is so cinematic in scope, with great intricacy in producing themes for each of our central characters, that help completely immerse you into the soundscape of Neverland and feel like you have stepped inside the film screen.

In conclusion, this production is the perfect treat for all the family with something for all ages to enjoy.

A five-star production that is the merriest way to start off your Christmas holidays.

Peter Pan runs at the Barn Theatre until January 3, 2021.

Tickets can be purchased at barntheatre.org.uk or calling the box office at 021285 648255.