A lorry driver from Cirencester has admitted causing the deaths of two people who were killed in a crash on the M5, reports the BBC.

William Cater, 47, collided with a car queueing to exit the motorway at junction 25 Taunton in September 2018.

He admitted two counts of causing death by dangerous driving and a further two counts of causing serious injury by dangerous driving at Taunton Crown Court.

Joanne Jennings, 45, and Roderick Walsh, 54 both died on September 13 after a HGV travelling on lane one of the southbound carriageway collided with a car queueing to exit the motorway at junction 25 Taunton at about 8.30am.

The collision then impacted on six other vehicles in front of the car which were also queuing.

Mrs Jennings, of Paddock Drive, Highbridge, was a senior carer and was the driver of one of the cars involved in the crash.

An inquest into her death heard that she died from head injuries.

Roderick Walsh, of Springfield Close, Cheddar, worked for the NHS as a commissioning officer and was the passenger of one of the cars involved in the crash.

An inquest into his death heard that he died from chest injuries.

Cater will be sentenced on March 26.