SCORES of protesters stormed onto the Bathurst Estate in a mass trespass calling for land justice.

About 75 protestors travelled to the estate in Cirencester to participate in the event on Sunday April 22.

Organised by groups including RisingUp and the Land Justice Network, the protest included speeches, songs and a marching band.

Protesters marched down the main avenue into the estate, went onto a field marked private, climbing a fence to encircle a tree on the land.

A banner also appeared over the main road leading into Cirencester saying “No Justice Without Land Justice”.

Lord Bathurst and some of his family and wardens watched the protests unfold, which proceeded peacefully.

Organisers said that land is an essential resource that our society, culture and economy depend upon.

They also claim that land ownership in Britain is still one of the most unequal in the world with 0.6 per cent of the population owning 69 per cent of the land.

Katharine Hallewell of the Land Justice Network said: “Everything flows from the land, our well being, our freedom and our equality.

"That we are still living under a system of landownership handed down from the Norman conquests speaks volumes about our so called democracy.”